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Stručna Knjižara

Spain architects rehabilitacion

Spain architects rehabilitacion

Redovna cijena €218,79
Redovna cijena €218,79 Prodajna cijena €218,79
Popust Rasprodano
Porez je uključen. Poštarina se obračunava prilikom završetka kupnje.
Kratki opis: autor: broj stranica: 664 godina izdanja: vrsta uveza: tvrdi dimenzije knjige širina i visina: jezik: engleski

Traditionally the modern architect has been seen as the one aware of the architectonic work, as a referee of a design process guided by his own will. That image of the architect as the only intellectual responsible for a building didn’t fit with the possibility in been involved in a project conceived previously by another person, the same way it would not be comprehended the modification by an artist of some one else’s work for example in the music field, visual arts, literature or cinema. May be for this reason, the modern architecture has been linked, since the starts, to the necessity of a conception ex novo of the plan. The concept of tabula rasa related to the Modern Movement used to consider historic monuments as isolated facts, while the rest of the inherited buildings from the past had to be replaced, which has suggested that works like, he Maison de Verre of Chareau, or the extension of the Gotemburgo City Hall of Asplund, can be considered as isolated exceptions of contemporary interventions in existing structures. The difficult relation that modern architecture kept since its origins with history radically determined the attitude that the architects adopted during most of the previous century, far from the concept of restoration and renovation of monuments as strange and outsiders fields to the idealisms of the new architecture. In the last decade of the 20th century, gradually appeared in Europe a different sensitivity towards architecture from the past as a potential reaction to irreversible transformations that lots of their cities had suffered due to the in discriminated replacement of its old buildings by other new buildings.
If in other European countries -specially in Italy with examples such as the work of the Scarpa or Albini- that sensitivity goes back to posterior decades to the world war, in Spain this attitude doesn’t take conscience until the 80’s and the public administrations started to legislate in favour of the conservation of existing urban structures – residential, cultural, industrial – which would make the restoration one of the instruments of most incidence in the recent transformation of our citie.

Arhitektura Arhitektura - Ostalo Knjižara - Sve knjige

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